lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Errol´s book made simple.

Este texto se forma con algunos tuits de Errol Morris. Un genial y poco conocido documentalista.

Aquí nos intenta comunicar unos principios (simples, según él) acerca de como reseñar o criticar un libro. Son los siguientes:

1. All photographs are posed.

2. The intentions of the photographer are not recorded in a photographic image. (You can imagine what they are, but it's pure speculation.)

3. Photographs are neither true not false. (They have no truth-value.)

4. False beliefs adhere to photographs like flies to flypaper.

5. There is a causal connection between a photograph and what it is a photograph of. (Even photoshopped images.)

6. Uncovering the relationship between a photograph and reality is no easy matter.

7. Most people don't care about this and prefer to speculate about what they believe about a photograph.

8. The more famous a photograph is, the more likely it is that people will claim it has been posed or faked.

Terribly sorry if this all seems pretentious, but it's the stuff I think about. (Nota aclaratoria)

OK. I'll stick with the book.

I'm a badger but not literally.

9. All photographs are posed but never in the same way.

10. Photographs provide evidence. (The question is of what?)

¿Ven? Ahora muchos podemos hacer la revisión del texto de alguien más. Simple, como lo dice Morris. 

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